Hi all,
BTC price has exceeded 10,000 USD today. For celebration, in the following 24 hours from 14:00 29th Nov Beijing time (06:00 GMT 30th Nov), the new participants in pre-distribution can get 10,000 extra TKY every 1 BTC he/she invests in THEKEY, the early investors in private placement and pre-distribution can get 20,000 extra TKY every 1 BTC he/she furthers during this period of time, in addition to the terms and conditions he/she is already entitled with. The promotion will end by 14:00 30th Nov Beijing time (06:00 GMT 30th Nov)
To participate in pre-distribution, please visit www.thekey.vip , navigate to TKY distribution column, download the application form and then follow the guidance. If you encounter any issue related with pre-distribution, please contact info@thekey.vip or join the telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/FkZtERGQ1qUEU7iAzC6xVQ.
Welcome to JOIN THEKEY now!!