Blockchain News Korea ( ,, a leading blockchain news organization based in Korea, made a visit to TheKEY’s headquarters in Beijing last weekend. The core members of the Team were then interviewed by Yun-Ju Roh, a journalist from Blockchain News.
The Korean interview report:
Dasheng Zhou, chief blockchain officer of TheKEY, demonstrated how identity verification (IDV) is applied in the mobile application. A Blockchain based Dynamic Multi-dimension Identification system (BDMI) is used to verify a user’s identity. It uses information sourced from multiple Government sources, which ensures reliability and accuracy.
During his interview, Dasheng stated that the THEKEY’s business use case has been developing and expanding since its inception. This expansion has allowed them to presently cover over 66 cities in China. This number will continue to grow as more cities, as well as other countries, seek out the next generation of BDMI. Individual users and entire industries will then greatly benefit from this technology.
TheKEY’s CEO Catherine Li was also interviewed by Blockchain News. According to her:
“We have co-operated with the government for more than a decade and the collaboration on identity verification alone has lasted for four years”.
When questioned about the merits of BDMI, Catherine summarized the advantages of TheKEY as follows:
• More reliable results
• Lower cost
• Better user experience
During this interview, Catherine expressed her appreciation for the support of TKY holders. She firmly believes that BDMI will become critical to both Governments and organizations in 2018 and beyond and that TheKEY’s team will continue to innovate and lead the way in this field.
All TKY holders are also welcome to join TheKEY’s official Korean community on Kakaotalk:
About The Key:
THEKEY is a blockchain based identity verification technology (IDV) being developed to create secure digital identities for the future. Built on a decentralized ecosystem, THEKEY uses blockchain based dynamic multidimensional identification (BDMI) to store big data. Headed by Catherine Li, voted the most Outstanding Women Entrepreneur in China, the technology handles Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which has been exclusively authorized by government authorities.
For more information of THEKEY, please visit the following links:
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