TKY is listed on Coinrail now. TKY/BTC trading pairs are available.
Deposit Time: 2:00p.m. (GMT+8), June 8th, 2018
Withdraw Time: 2:00p.m. (GMT+8), June 11th, 2018
Hope you will enjoy it!
About TKY (THEKEY Token)
THEKEY is a decentralized ecosystem of an identity verification tool using national big-data and blockchain. THEKEY project team is now developing an identification verification (IDV) tool with blockchain based dynamic multi-dimension identification (BDMI) by using Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which is exclusively authorized by government authorities. TKY, THEKEY’s token, will be utilized in BDMI as the only method to settle smart contracts signed between the participants in THEKEY’s BDMI Ecosystem.
More information about THEKEY:
About Coinrail
Coinrail is a cryptocurrency exchange that has the largest variety of coins in South Korea. Launched on October, 2017, Coinrail has already announced deals with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, Stratis, OmiseGo, EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Walton Coin, TenX, Jet Cash, QTUM, Stellar Lumens, and KyberNetwork, NEO, Komodo, NEM, IOTA. With numerous events and a commission-free exchange, it has enormous growth potential. It is the most noteworthy exchange in South Korea with its user-friendly User Interface and features.