Your TKY Tokens are Safe — Notice on NEO’s “Storage Injection Vulnerabilities”
Dear TKY community members,
NEO just announced the “Storage Injection Vulnerabilities” ( which affects many NEP-5 based tokens. After reviewing the smart contract code of TKY together with NEO, it is confirmed that TKY has not been affected or attacked and the Total Supply is correct. It is suggested that no modifications towards the code is needed from our side, and it will not cause any financial losses to TKY holders.
The assessment shows that an attacker may spend TKY on increasing variable Total Supply, but it does not actually increase the circulation of TKY. We believe that the risks are relatively low due to the following reasons:
1) Attackers must “consume” certain amount of TKY but will not get any reward. In fact, TKY used by the attackers are actually “destroyed”.
2) The change of variable Total Supply has no real impact on the actual supply or the circulation of TKY. And the TKY team will display the correct Total Supply on the official website, to monitor any unexpected alteration of this variable.
All the TKY tokens are safe now. No wallets or transactions are being affected or has been affected, and users can continue trading without any additional action. And as always, we will answer all related questions through Telegram or .
As it’s previously announced, THEKEY MVP (minimum viable product) will be launched on May 28th. Please stay tuned.
Thank you for your continuous support to TKY.
About The Key:
THEKEY is a blockchain based identity verification technology (IDV) being developed to create secure digital identities for the future. Built on a decentralized ecosystem, THEKEY uses Blockchain Based Dynamic Multidimensional Identification (BDMI) to store big data. Headed by Catherine Li, voted the most Outstanding Woman Entrepreneur in China, the technology handles Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which has been exclusively authorized by government authorities.
For more information of THEKEY, please visit the following links:
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